Hi there!
I know you haven’t heard from me in a little bit and I apologize for that. Over this past year I really have spent a ton of time writing a bunch of new stuff that’s ALMOST done. Unfortunately, the more I write, the more I have to edit, and writing has become the main way for me to avoid editing. With that said, to prove how much I’ve done this year, I went through and tabulated the words that I wrote each day. I may not have published much, but I certainly did write a lot! I tabulated the monthly totals as well because I love my data. I also write under two different names, (A. T. James for non-fiction and Eighty James for my fiction), so I made unique colors on the large bar chart for the individual pen names (scroll down for the charts). In a final attempt to procrastinate even more this year I might make individual ‘work-in-progress’ posts for each of these pen names with what I hope to accomplish in 2024, but I’m not going to make any promises.
So, exactly how much did I write this year?
Under the A. T. James name, I wrote 140,961 words.
Under the Eighty James name, I wrote 221,291 words.
This all adds up to a grand total of 352,252 words written in 2023.
But what does this look like in terms of books or projects?
Under the A. T. James name…
I published four books:
Camper Origin Study Guideline: How to Record and Analyze Camper Origin Information
Virtual Vacations: Exploring California via Grand Theft Auto V
I made outlines for four out of seven books that will be part of a series of case studies focusing on evolutionary marketing and tourism.
I finished the data collection for the 2023 Calaveras Ranger District Camper Origin Study
Under the Eighty James name…
I finished the War Machine short story.
I finished the final rough draft of The Kid in the Park novel.
I began designing book cover concepts for The Kid in the Park novel.
I completely rewrote the sequel to The Kid in the Park.
I almost have the sequel to The Kid in the Park ready to go for its first read-through and edits.
I completely rewrote the Moonshot novel.
I almost have the Moonshot novel ready to go for its first read through.
I began designing book cover concepts for the Moonshot novel.
Wow! That’s quite a bit…
I wrote more this year than ever before, but by looking at these charts, there were a few months where I didn’t write anything when I could have. I’m sure I could have pumped out another study or two, but then I wouldn’t have anything to work on in 2024.
I have some big plans for 2024, so stay tuned!
I promise I’ll keep you all updated more frequently 😛
As always, you can check out my author sites at:

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